Sunday, January 25, 2009

177 Law & Gospel

In Lutheran theology the first use of the law is defined as what keeps good order in the world. The second use of the law is that it very pointedly shows us our faults and failing, thus driving us to our knees before the cross in repentance. Words that signal the law is at work are should and must. The gospel is God's grace. It is the free gift, unexpected and undeserved. It is God's great abundance given to us.
This winter I've had chapped lips that leave me looking like a clown on bad days. My friend Yvonne sent me a package of law and gospel. The law says I must take care of my lips and I should use the Bistex, all rather dull and sometimes stinging when I put it on. The gospel says be healed with sparkly chocolate flavored lip goo. 

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